Modra Jagoda Приложения

Mediately Baza Lekova 3.21.2
Modra Jagoda
Mediately Baza Lekova - Celokupna bazapodataka o lekovima dostupnim u Srbiji, na mobilnimuređajima.Aplikacija vam omogućuje pregledavanje kroz bazu podataka od višeod 4.000 proizvoda sa detaljnim podacima, uključujući:- Osnovni podaci o proizvodu (aktivna supstanca, sastav,proizvođač, način izdavanja, način propisivanja, farmaceutskioblik, pakovanje, cena);- Dodatni podaci (terapijske indikacije, doziranje i način primene,kontraindikacije, posebna upozorenja, interakcije, trudnoća idojenje, uticaj na sposobnost upravljanja vozilima i mašinama,neželjena dejstva, predoziranje, farmakodinamski i farmakokinetičkipodaci);- Informacije o listi lekova RFZO;- ATK klasifikacije;- Pakovanja (sa JKL kodom) i cene;- PDF verzija sažetka karakteristika leka i upustva zapacijenta.Alati koji vam pomažu u svakodnevnoj praksi:- BMI (Body Mass Index);- BSA (Body Surface Area);- CHA₂DS₂-VASc Score for Atrial Fibrillation Stroke Risk;- Child-Pugh Score;- GAP-7 (Upitnik za Generalizovani Anksiozni Promećaj);- GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale);- GFR (MDRD Formula);- HAS-BLED (Risk of Major Bleeding in Patients With AF);- NIHSS (National Institute of Health Stroke Score)- PERC rule;- Padua Prediction Score (for risk of VTE);- Procena faktora rizika za nastanak tromboze (Caprini);- Wells’ Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism.Aplikacija ne zahteva podatkovnu vezu, osim za prenos PDFdatoteka.Mediately Base Treatment- The entire database of drugs available in Serbia, on mobiledevices.The application allows you to browse through the database of morethan 4,000 products with detailed information, including:- Basic information about the product (active substance, thecomposition, manufacturer, the method of issuing, the method ofprescribing the pharmaceutical form, packaging, cost);- Additional data (therapeutic indications, the dosage and mode ofadministration, contraindications, warnings specific interactions,pregnancy and lactation, the impact on the ability to drive andmachine, side effects, overdose, pharmacodynamic andpharmacokinetic data);- Information on the list of medicines NHIF;- ATK classification;- Packaging (with JKL code) and prices;- PDF version of the summary of product characteristics andinstructions for the patient.Tools that help you in everyday practice:- BMI (Body Mass Index);- BSA (Body Surface Area);- CHA₂DS₂-Vasco Score for Atrial Fibrillation Stroke Risk;- Child-Pugh Score;- GAP-7 (Questionnaire for generalized anxiety Promećaj);- GCS (Glasgow coma scale);- GFR (MDRD formula);- HAS-bled (Risk of Major Bleeding in patients with AF);- NIHSS (National Institute of Health Stroke Score)- PERC rule;- Padua Prediction Score (for risk of VTE);- Evaluation of risk factors for thrombosis (Caprini);- Wells' Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism.The application does not require a data connection, except for thetransfer of PDF files.
SpA Helper 1.1.1
Modra Jagoda
SpA Helper is a simple and intuitiveassistantfor patients with spondyloarthritis.It helps you keeps track of your disease activity,medication,doctor appointments and laboratory results. Diseaseactivity scoresare visualized to help you and your doctor have abetter overviewof your health and plan future treatment.Features:- track your disease score (DAS28, SDAI, CDAI, ASDAS, BASDAI)andvisualize your progress- add your medication, and set reminders to always stay ontrackwith your treatment- add reminders for your doctor appointments andlaboratorycontrols- store your laboratory results- set goals for your disease activity score according to thelatestguidelinesAll of this provides you a helping hand in managingyourcondition and staying on top of your progress.
RheumaHelper 4.5.1
Modra Jagoda
RheumaHelper — mobile rheumatology assistant
Mediately Baza Lijekova  11.6
Modra Jagoda
Drug information and diagnostic tools for Croatia.
Mediately Register Zdravil 11.6
Modra Jagoda
Information about medicines and diagnostic tools for Slovenia
Mediately Databáze Léčiv 11.6
Modra Jagoda
Drug information and diagnostic tools for the Czech Republic.
Mediately Databáza Liekov 11.6
Modra Jagoda
Information about medicines and diagnostic tools for Slovakia
Mediately Databáza Liekov 11.6
Modra Jagoda
Information about medicines and diagnostic tools for Slovakia
Mediately Lista Medicamentelor 11.6
Modra Jagoda
Information about medicines and diagnostic tools for Romania
Mediately Banca Dati Farmaci 11.1.2
Modra Jagoda
Information on drugs and diagnostic tools for Italy
Mediately Регистър лекарства 11.3.1
Modra Jagoda
Drug information and diagnostic tools for Bulgaria